Sustainable development, clean air, and prosperous farming all these describe the cleanest city. Cleanest cities offer their residents a variety of bike lanes, thriving farmers markets filled with green food, provide clean air and environment. The environment in “green” cities helps Africa to remain “healthy”. All these parameters can encourage readers to join in the work to improve living conditions in the city, which is not so good concerning ecology. Keep reading to find out the names of the cities that can be called the cleanest city in Africa.
A couple of centuries ago, people did not think about environmental pollution. Almost the entire population of the world lived in rural areas, and life in the cities was not for everyone. But literally in a hundred years, everything has changed most radically – technical progress has led to the fact that more than seventy percent of the world’s inhabitants have chosen cities as their place of residence.
What is usually associated with a big city? Of course, one would think about smoking chimneys of factories, the dirt on the streets, unpleasant smells, and noise. It is an unpleasant picture, isn’t it? But this is how most of us live.
Although in recent years the tendency to care for the environment begins to gain momentum and gradually captures many cities in the world. But if you look at the list of the cleanest cities in Africa, you will see that it is still possible to live in a clean environment-friendly way.
The cities we will tell you about below are the bright examples and hopefully will inspire all of us to make changes towards the clean future of our cities.

A couple of centuries ago, people did not think about environmental pollution. Almost the entire population of the world lived in rural areas, and life in the cities was not for everyone. But literally in a hundred years, everything has changed most radically – technical progress has led to the fact that more than seventy percent of the world’s inhabitants have chosen cities as their place of residence.
What is usually associated with a big city? Of course, one would think about smoking chimneys of factories, the dirt on the streets, unpleasant smells, and noise. It is an unpleasant picture, isn’t it? But this is how most of us live.
Although in recent years the tendency to care for the environment begins to gain momentum and gradually captures many cities in the world. But if you look at the list of the cleanest cities in Africa, you will see that it is still possible to live in a clean environment-friendly way.
The cities we will tell you about below are the bright examples and hopefully will inspire all of us to make changes towards the clean future of our cities.
The cleanest city in Africa in 2018
Africa is the second most populous continent; more than 1.2 billion people live here. This is a huge number of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures. Speaking of Africa, we often recall ancient tribes and national parks of wildlife. Although there are many large cities on the continent with beautiful architecture, infrastructure, interesting museums, and other sights. Here are the top 10 cities, traveling to which, you will discover a new, exciting and amazing Africa with the cleanest and safest places to live.
10. Kumasi (Ghana)
Kumasi is the capital of the Ashanti region in the Republic of Ghana. There are so many plants and flowers that the city can be called Eden. There is a beautiful museum of arts, palaces, chic rebuilt universities.
But the most important reason why so many people come here from different parts of the world is the West African market Kedzheti, where there are more than 10,000 trading places. The market is completely impossible to get around even for a month of continuous circulation.
Farmers markets are very popular, and chefs of restaurants are increasingly focused on finding ingredients produced locally.
The central business district, which is home to many creative people and ecologically conscious residents, has many solar energy systems and grows its own vegetables.
The Environmental Committee supports environmental initiatives and the rehabilitation and care of the environment.
The city could do more to improve public transport and prevent power shortages, which are becoming more common.
9. Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
Dar es Salaam is the political and economic center, as well as the largest city of Tanzania. The city lies on the shores of the Indian Ocean, famous for its local university, the largest and oldest state institution of higher education in Tanzania, and the Technological Institute.

Dar es Salaam has its own magnificent beaches (including exclusive resorts), but in just a few minutes you can reach the island of Zanzibar by ferry. The city is located near the equator, most of the year there is tropical weather.

Currently, half of the city and surrounding areas covered with trees and shrubs that absorb carbon dioxide and release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. Considerable importance is also given to the cleaning of reservoirs. The local government continually takes measures to remove household and industrial debris from the bottom of reservoirs.
8. Libreville (Gabon)
In the stunning architecture and monuments of Libreville, the undoubted French imprint is read. The city lies on the Atlantic coast. In 1960, it became the capital of Gabon. On the local beaches, you can have fun. Near the city is located Akanda National Park, popular among eco-tourists. Here you can see elephants, antelopes, monkeys, and other exotic animals, visit the ruins of castles and fortresses.

The capital of Gabon is one of the cleanest cities in this state. Stretching among picturesque natural landscapes, it is not only stunning, but the air in it is also absolutely pure. Do you wonder how the residents of Libreville managed to achieve this? The parking in the city center is costly, so many citizens leave their cars in the parking outside the city, and get to Libreville by local buses, which are rare but regularly go to the settlement. So in such a way, they reduced the pollution of the air and emission level.

There are industrial enterprises in Libreville, but this fact does not damage the ecology of the city. Indeed, in Libreville, there are many parks and green alleys, there are also many tracks for cyclists. After all, most locals prefer this type of transportation. Besides, the city is located in the heart of nature, so local winds also make the air in the city special.
7. Cape Town (South Africa)
Cape Town is the third largest and one of the most popular city on the continent, located near the southernmost point of Africa. This spiritual and eccentric place some call the “city of winds.” Cape Town has received several international tourist awards.

Cape Town is a popular and one of the most famous cities in the country and on the continent. From the point of view of “clean” places, Cape Town has already received a lot of international awards. The city is the first place to go if you want to see the beauty and purity of Africa. By the way, right next to the city is Table Mountain, which is ranked as one of the seven new wonders of nature.

Compared to other cities of its size, Cape Town has scored perfect indicators of a small number of harmful emissions and air quality relative to the presence of C02, partly because the city authorities are actively promoting clean energy, especially the use of hydropower.
Cape Town has promised to cut emissions by 33% by 2020. Many areas of Cape Town are environmentally friendly. It has a developed network of cycling routes, where people regularly make trips on bicycles, electric scooters, and even monocycles.
6. Johannesburg (South Africa)
Already going down the airplane at Tambo International Airport, you will understand why Johannesburg is considered a world-class city. Despite the abundance of skyscrapers, some areas literally immersed in lush and greenery. Every traveler in South Africa should visit the Kruger National Park.
The traditional urban center is full of greenery, the largest park is located there, a network of public transport is developed, there is Sundays` market where fresh products are sold. Farmers markets move around the city, helping residents buy local organic food.

Of all the towns of South Africa in the ranking of clean cities, according to the Siemens Index (Green Cities Index), Johannesburg is one of the first. With the creation of a large trading system, rapid transit, and leadership in a recycling program, the southern African city continues to pursue a line of environmental foresight. Intensive use of public transport in Johannesburg makes it possible to occupy one of the first places on the highest level of air quality in the index

5. Nairobi (Kenya)
Nairobi is the most populous metropolis in East Africa, as well as the largest city and capital of Kenya. It is also known as the “Green City under the Sun.”

The surrounding plains, cliffs, and forests give a unique impression of the African province. And honestly, there are so many things to admire here. The landscapes surrounding the city are breathtaking.
Nairobi has consistently ranked first as the greenest city in Africa. Almost all residents regularly use a bicycle to drive to work. As a result, Nairobi has very low C02 emissions for a town of its size.
In addition to their love of cycling, the people of Nairobi are passionate about recycling and composting, as well as technologies that conserve electricity and heat. Nairobi residents see nature as a sacred shelter and do their best to take care of it and keep it to gain more peace and health.
4. Gaborone (Botswana)
Gaborone is the capital of Botswana. It earned the reputation of a peaceful, politically stable, and economically powerful city, as it is one of the largest diamond producers in the world. Here, people know for sure that the rate of their currency will neither grow nor fall, and they will always earn money for a decent life.
Gaborone ranks first in the index of green cities in Africa. The city has a long history of environmental awareness, originating from its very foundation. Gaborone has a recycling rate of 77% – this is one of the highest rates in the world. This level was made possible thanks to the efforts of the city authorities, which require a separate collection of regular garbage, recycling, and composting.
Residents of the city appreciate the amazing natural beauty of the town, its progressiveness, and openness. Local farms also contribute to its prosperity, and its residents do not care where and how their food is produced, they try to support producers and eat food provided by locals.

3. Tunisia (Tunisia)
Tunisia is one of the smallest countries in North Africa. In its eponymous capital, echoes of the times of the Ottoman Empire and the French colonial past are preserved in the form of different architectural ensembles. The medina of Tunisia is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. On the outskirts of the city is the famous Bardo Museum, famous for its huge collection of exhibits from the Carthaginian, Roman, Byzantine, and Arab epoch.

In the near future, the city relies primarily on renewable energy sources, including solar energy, wind energy, biofuels, and other areas. Thus, the city can become even more green and healthy than before. Tunisia also has a number of community stimulation programs for the use of bicycles and electric vehicles. All these measures not only help to save money but also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Tunisia is very popular among tourists. A lot of people like to spend time by the sea. The beaches of Tunisia are as soft and pleasant-looking as the carpets that are made by hand in its ancient medina. Take at least the one that is in Mahdia: the combination of white sand, emerald vegetation, and the incredible azure sea impress even the most skeptical tourist.

2. Windhoek (Namibia)
The capital of the Republic of Namibia is attractive for many reasons. They say that this city is clean, relatively safe, and easy to move around. German culture has had a tremendous impact on Windhoek: from speech to architecture.
Namibia has good road routes, and The Desert Express tourist train runs between the capital Windhoek and the resort city of Swakopmund, stopping at especially unique places along the way.

What is the cleanest city in Africa?
In the African region, the first place in the conservation and restoration of natural criteria is the resort state of Mauritius, which is located on a peninsula with the same name, located in the Indian Ocean at a distance of more than two hundred miles from the African east coast.
Welcoming thousands of tourists, Mauritius is very interested in preserving the attractiveness of its own resorts and the surrounding nature. For this purpose, significant funds for environmental protection are constantly and intentionally deducted from the country’s budget.

Caring for the conservation and restoration of natural resources by the government of Mauritius allowed the city to receive ninety-seven points out of 100 possible for the general state of health in the country, although other countries in this region managed to get no more than forty-five points out of 100 possible.
Mauritius has a developed infrastructure of sanitation and quite large reserves of clean, fresh water, there are even two waterfalls on its territory. According to the characteristics of air purity, the island government competes with Scandinavian countries, and the only factor that lowered the overall assessment of Mauritius for the protection of the surrounding nature was the presence of harmful gas emissions into the atmosphere by utility companies.

Nowadays, the inhabitants of many cities on our planet started to treat ecology with care. After all, every person would like to breathe clean air, drink the water of high sanitary standards, and eat healthy food. People find different solutions to these issues: they buy purified water, install air purifiers, buy organic food, give preference to bicycles instead of vehicles, some even move to cleaner areas.
We all want to live in a safe environment, but we need to be responsible and understand that the clean future of our planet is in our hands. The cleanliness of any city depends on both the government and local residents. The government must provide the city with a sufficient number of urns, proper sewage, and rainfall drain, and residents maintain cleanliness in the city: sort the garbage and throw it in the designated areas, etc.
We hope that the examples of the cities we have told you about above will inspire you to make your city better and probably one day it will be on the list of the cleanest cities in the whole world.
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