Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Nigerian man says Jacob in the bible was a 'Yahoo Yahoo' boy, gives a reason


Moses murdered, David murdered and committed adultery to have Solomon, Solomon was a prolific aduletral, Samson fornicated all over the place with a prostitute and was drunk most of the time. Saul, before he became paul, was a serial killer, killing jews all over the place, lot committed incest with his daughter. I am not justifying yahoo yahoo, but YAHOWAH work in mysterious ways, his way is so gar away from our way, as the heavens are far away from us, so is YAHOWAH ways. P.s. Note that Yahoo was used as a mockery to YAHOWAH, samething with the logo of Apple gadgets, which depicts bite taken from an Apple. I.e. mocking YAHOWAH again about how man got knowledge and thus man is the master of himself not YAHOWAH. Apple gadgets and technology are Blasphemy to YAHOWAH, cos it mocks our creator and praise's Satan for deceiving man to fall from grace in the garden of Eden, saying a man can do our own way and better. But yet today you see people dying and doing unimaginable things for the latest gadget of Apple. But for YAHOWAH all you have to do is simple, just believe in his son CHRIST YASHUAH and keep is 10 COMMANDMENTS and 614 LAWS given to Moses. The laws are in DEUTERONOMY 28 Verses 1-15, if you don't keep them the Judgements are in DEUTERONOMY 28 Verses 15 till the end of the chapter. CHRIST YASHUAH came to fulfill the sacrifice for us, hence his wealth on the cross, so that we do not need to do or make any more sacrifices to the father in heaven YAHOWAH. He didn't come to abolish any of YAHOWAH commandments or laws given to Moses for us to keep and follow strictly. When CHRIST YASHUAH was on earth he keeps the commandments such as keeping the Sabbath etc. Check your bible if you think am wrong or lying to you. If he came to abolish the old thing including the laws and commandments, ask yourselves then why did he keep the Sabbath? Think people for yourself and don't let all this false prophet and fake churches lead you to hell fire. It is written that at the end time knowledge shall increase, the knowledge is out there at the palm of your hands, search for it and use it to open your eyes, direct your mind to back to YAHOWAH and free your soul from the darkness of this world. People! know the world we live in now was given to Satan to first watch over, then he fell into it, and began to rule it, thus all you see and know and do is almost certainly from him Satan, until CHRIST YASHUAH return to correct thing and pass judgment on Satan and those who were caught sleeping, in the devil bed, when he returned. Be careful what you desire and want in this world. Before you do anything seek the spirit of YAHOWAH as CHRIST YASHUAH sent down forth, first to the apostle and then to us all who believe in HIM, to guide and protect us in all things, before you touch, do or want anything in this world. The holy spirit is not just for speaking in tongues on Sunday in church. It is more than that, it the word of YAHOWAH, and remember YHWH words are living words, allow them to live in you, it waiting to enter into your life and guide and protect you from all the evils of this world Satan and his children created to trap you in darkness and damnation, so that when CHRIST YASHUAH comes you shall be judged alongside him. I pray that won't be your portion by the Grace ofChrist YESHUAH. So be it, by HIS Grace.


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